Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 07, 1952 and is the current President of Russia. His numerology holds a strong influence of numbers 2 and 7, which represent the energies of the moon and Neptune respectively and make him a highly intuitive and tactful person. Utilizing his well-developed instincts, Putin knew when to seize the moment and employ timing in preparing and ordering an invasion on Ukraine. His excellent use of tactics is evident in the current attacks on Ukraine after the Afghanistan debacle and his vast knowledge of US foreign policy allows him to continue carrying out these attacks.

Putin was born under the sign of Libra that is ruled by Venus, the number 6, with a mild influence of planet Saturn, the number 8. Venus makes Putin a skilled manipulator who uses his charm for personal gains while Saturn (one of the coldest planets) doesn’t allow him to connect with others or feel empathy for human needs. According to his numbers, Putin is much less concerned with aiding a country’s affairs and much more intent on etching himself into history by attaching a permanent legacy to his name, whether for good or bad.

If we calculate Putin’s compound number, which is the sum of the digits in his birthday, we see that it comes out to 34 (10+7+1+9+5+2=34), which further enhances his intuitive abilities. The Russian President is popularly known by the name Vladimir Putin, which adds up to the powerful number 46. This number is often seen in the name numerology of famous people. The name Putin by itself totals a 24, a lucky vibration of planet Venus that endows him with materials luxuries and a love for the most desirable things in life

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

Image source: Wikipedia

His opponent, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy, was born on January 25, 1978 and is the current president of Ukraine. His name vibration has the influence of number 1, the Sun, and number 5, Mercury, which together make him more logical and rational than Putin. The name energy in Ukraine matches his energy completely. His popular name, Zelenskyy, is also in sync with his numbers, which adds to his pragmatism. Zelenskyy is currently running his number 9 cycle, represented by the planet Mars and the god of war. Zelenskyy needs to be careful from March 18, 2022 until his birthday in January 2023. If he can pass through this period unharmed, his cycle will change and great fame will come to him soon after his birthday in 2023.

As a country, the name Russia sums up to a number 16, which carries a cumbersome and complicated vibration as discussed in my book All About Numbers. Ukraine, on the other hand, boasts the energy of number 22, also known as a master number. Despite this, the number 22 is not my best choice to represent a name, be it an individual or a country. For example, the numbers 4 and 6 tend to bring about disastrous situations. China bears a 15 name energy (which adds up to a 6) and in 2020, COVID-19 emerged from China and wreaked havoc on the world. Unsurprisingly, Ukraine, a country with a 22 name vibration (which adds up to a 4), presently finds itself in a terrible state with an uncertain future.

Vladimir Putin
Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Image source: Wikipedia

As the energy of Mars intensifies from the 21st of March until the 18th of April 2022, the situation could worsen for Ukraine. Mars, represented by the number 9, collides with the number 22 in Ukraine’s name energy, which could trigger a largescale biological or nuclear war in the region. Overall, the entire year of 2022 is not positive for the country of Ukraine based on its name numbers. The country as a whole will start to find relief beginning in 2023, when the energy of the year shifts from 6 (2+0+2+2=6) to 7 (2+0+2+3=7).

Putin is currently running his number 7 Neptune cycle in 2022. This is in a strong position until his birthday toward the end of the year. After October 7, 2022, however, the tide will change for Putin as he enters a Saturn cycle: he will face serious health challenges from his gastrointestinal area and downward to his feet. He will then be forced to face his Karma and the time will come for him to pay for the destruction and devastation he caused. From then on, it will be the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin.

To peace,
Jesse Kalsi

Please note that the Chaldean Code has been used to calculate the numbers.

All About Numbers
All About Numbers

Book by Jesse Kalsi